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What do cats eat?

Insights into feline nutrition including safe foods, feeding practices, and dietary needs for optimal cat health.

Learn all about Cats

Last updated: December 2, 2023

Gabriel Knightwood Profile

Gabriel Knightwood

Curator and Writer

Cats are unique creatures with specific dietary requirements that differ significantly from humans and other pets. Understanding what cats eat is crucial for maintaining their health and well-being. This article delves deep into the world of feline nutrition, providing valuable insights for cat owners.

An Overview of Feline Nutrition

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means their diet must primarily consist of meat. Unlike omnivores, cats require certain amino acids and vitamins that are only found in animal products. This section will explore the essential nutrients in a cat's diet and why they are indispensable.

Cat eating the food

Safe Foods for Cats: What You Can Share from Your Plate

While it's tempting to share your meals with your furry friend, not all human foods are safe for cats. This part of the article lists common human foods that are safe for cats and explains why moderation is key.

Common Foods Cats Can and Cannot Eat

It's vital to know which foods are safe and which can be harmful to your cat. This section provides a comprehensive list of both, helping you make informed decisions about your cat's diet.

Cat near bowls of dry cat food

Feeding Practices for Healthy Cats

Feeding your cat isn't just about what you feed, but also how and when. This section covers best practices in feeding schedules, portion control, and the importance of fresh water.

Choosing the Right Cat Food

With countless options available, choosing the right cat food can be overwhelming. This part guides you through selecting the best food based on your cat's age, health, and preferences.

Special Dietary Needs of Different Cat Breeds

Different breeds of cats have varying nutritional requirements. This section discusses these needs and how to cater to them, with a focus on senior cats and kittens.

Cats near bowls of dry cat food

Nutritional Needs of Kittens

Kittens have different dietary needs compared to adult cats. This part provides insights on what to feed kittens to ensure their healthy growth and development.

Conclusion: Ensuring a Balanced Diet for Cats

Providing a balanced diet is key to keeping your cat healthy. This conclusion sums up the critical points discussed in the article and offers final thoughts on maintaining a nutritious diet for your cat.

Cute cat eating from a plate on table


How often should I feed my cat?

Adult cats should be fed twice a day, while kittens may require more frequent feeding.

Is it safe to feed cats a vegetarian diet?

No, cats require specific nutrients found only in meat.

Can cats eat dairy products?

While some cats tolerate dairy, many are lactose intolerant and should avoid it.

Are raw diets safe for cats?

Raw diets can be beneficial but require careful planning to avoid nutritional imbalances and bacterial contamination.

What should I do if my cat is overweight?

Consult your veterinarian for a tailored diet and exercise plan.

How can I tell if my cat's diet is balanced?

Look for signs of good health such as a shiny coat, healthy weight, and high energy levels. Consult your vet for specific advice.