Learn all about Koalas

The koala is a small, tree-dwelling marsupial native to Australia. Known for its round face, fluffy ears, and sleepy demeanor, koalas primarily eat eucalyptus leaves. Often mistakenly called "koala bears," they are not bears at all. Koalas are iconic symbols of Australian wildlife and are facing threats due to habitat destruction and climate change.

Koala up in the tree

10 Interesting Facts About Koalas

Koalas, the iconic marsupials native to Australia, have captured the hearts of many with their cuddly appearance and unique behavior....

Koala up in the tree

When Do Koalas Mate

An Insight into the Mating Habits of Australia's Iconic Marsupial...

Koala up in the tree

Where Are Koalas Native To?

Koalas, often mistakenly referred to as "koala bears," are one of Australia's most iconic and beloved animals....

Koala eating leaves

What do Koalas eat?

Koalas, the iconic marsupials native to Australia, have long captured the hearts of many with their cuddly appearance and calm demeanor....

Where do Koalas live? Thumbnail

Where do Koalas live?

Today, we'll be exploring the habitat of one of Australia's most beloved creatures, the koala....